3 WordPress plugins for crisis communication

wordpress crisis emergencies plugins

In crisis situations, the right communication is of great importance to your organization. To be able to act quickly in the event of an emergency, crisis management with good preparation is half the battle. So make sure that your WordPress website is ready as a communication channel in case of a malfunction or crisis. Then you can inform your supporters quickly and efficiently in case of calamities and malfunction reports.

In this article, we cover the best three WordPress plugins for crisis communication. You can already install and configure these plugins on your WordPress website. This makes you well prepared when an unexpected event occurs.

Live blog for WordPress

Live blog for WordPressWith a live blog you have a very efficient way to keep your supporters informed about the latest state of affairs. A live blog can be useful for error messages, but also for constantly changing events. A live blog on your WordPress website is set up in no time with the LiveCom for WordPress plugin ($ 30).

Notification bar for WordPress

Notification bar for WordPressWith the Apex Notification Bar ($ 22) you can place a notification bar in your WordPress website in many ways. for example, you can quickly inform the visitors on your homepage or contact page about a telephone failure or the limited accessibility of your office. Even if your service is temporarily interrupted, you can prevent a lot of calls with the same question through such a notification bar.

Push notifications for WordPress

Push notifications for WordPressIf you have a lot of regular and returning visitors on your WordPress website, live push notifications on your website can offer a solution. By already activating the WordPress Push Notification ($ 49) on your website, website visitors are asked if they want to receive notifications from your website. This way, your visitors can register in advance, and in the event of an emergency or crisis, you can immediately send a notification to this group of visitors. They will see that notification when they have your website open in their browser.

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