Improve the loading time of your WordPress website with preloading

Preloading pages wordpress

Search engines attach more and more value to the speed with which visitors can go through your WordPress website. If you have a slow website, visitors will lose interest faster, and you will also be rated less highly in search engines. There are a lot of measures you can take to improve the speed of your WordPress website. Also consider faster WordPress hosting. But in this article we will discuss a very simple way to improve the loading speed of your WordPress website for visitors: page preloading.

What is preloading of WordPress pages and posts?

Preloading means that pages and posts from your WordPress website will be loaded “in the background” before your visitor clicks them. Suppose a visitor visits your homepage. In your menu and on the page itself there are various links to other pages and messages. While your visitor is orienting themselves, the links are already stored in the browser’s memory by a so-called “preloader”. For example, the next page loads faster when a visitor clicks on it.

Preloading WordPress plugin

Flying pages wordpress pluginYou can easily activate preloading of pages and posts on your WordPress website with the free WordPress plugin Flying Pages. The plugin can actually be used immediately without any configuration. The Flying Pages preloader is also intelligent; background preloading only starts when the current page is fully loaded. And if your visitor moves the mouse over a link, that link takes precedence in preloading. This way you get the most out of improving the loading time of your WordPress website.

Would you like to try out the plugin? Then install and activate it, but log out afterwards. As a logged-in administrator of your website, the preloader is disabled by default, so you will notice little difference.

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